services: www-backup: profiles: - backup image: busybox command: - /bin/sh - -c - | tar -cvzf /backup/www.$(date -u -Is).tgz -C /www . volumes: - www:/www - ./backup:/backup db-backup: profiles: - backup image: postgres:13 volumes: - db:/var/lib/postgresql/data - ./backup:/backup command: - /bin/sh - -c - | pg_dump \ -U ${POSTGRES_USER} \ -d ${POSTGRES_DB} \ -h db \ -F c -b -v \ -f /backup/db.$(date -u -Is).psql environment: POSTGRES_USER: PGPASSWORD: ${POSTGRES_PASSWORD} POSTGRES_DB: # set file ownership zrok-init: image: busybox # matches uid:gid of "ziggy" in zrok container image command: chown -Rc 2171:2171 /mnt/ user: root volumes: - zrok_env:/mnt # enable zrok environment zrok-enable: image: ${} depends_on: zrok-init: condition: service_completed_successfully entrypoint: zrok-enable.bash volumes: - zrok_env:/mnt environment: STATE_DIRECTORY: /mnt ZROK_ENABLE_TOKEN: ZROK_API_ENDPOINT: ZROK_ENVIRONMENT_NAME: # reserve zrok frontend subdomain and start sharing the target zrok-share: image: ${} restart: unless-stopped entrypoint: zrok-share.bash depends_on: zrok-enable: condition: service_completed_successfully volumes: - zrok_env:/mnt environment: # internal configuration STATE_DIRECTORY: /mnt # zrok homedir in container # most relevant options ZROK_UNIQUE_NAME: # name is used to construct frontend domain name, e.g. "myapp" in "" ZROK_BACKEND_MODE: # web, caddy, drive, proxy ZROK_TARGET: # backend target, is a path in container filesystem unless proxy mode ZROK_INSECURE: # "--insecure" if proxy target has unverifiable TLS server certificate ZROK_OAUTH_PROVIDER: # google, github ZROK_OAUTH_EMAILS: # allow space-separated list of OAuth email address glob patterns ZROK_BASIC_AUTH: # username:password, mutually-exclusive with ZROK_OAUTH_PROVIDER # least relevant options ZROK_VERBOSE: # "--verbose" ZROK_SHARE_OPTS: # additional arguments to "zrok reserve public" command ZROK_FRONTENDS: # "public" PFXLOG_NO_JSON: "true" # suppress JSON logging format # demo server zrok-test: image: ${} command: test endpoint --address # 9090 volumes: zrok_env: